Social Media Strategy for Small Business

Do you think Social media Strategy is important for small businesses? In our opinion it is? When you own a company, you not only want to advertise your brand but also gain valuable access to the old-boy network, and the easiest way to do so is to create a virtual identity. SMM also played a vital part in boosting your site’s SEO and driving visitors.

Importance of Social Media Strategy for Small Businesses

When you’re a small business owner, you already have a lot on your plate, and it’s impossible to complete everything. As a result, social media strateagy/management gets pushed to the bottom of your to-do list, despite its importance for a brand. However, in reality, social media plays a critical part in the development of a brand’s image, as well as having a direct impact on sales.

Did you know one of the mind-blowing facts about social media is that; there are nearly a 3.5 billion active social media users, and every 6.4 seconds a new account has been created?

Getting new clients and converting leads is difficult and necessary for a business, but communicating with existing customers, keeping a good connection with them, and understanding their needs are equally important. Social media has a big influence on how companies engage with their customers. Previously, firms had to travel great distances to reach their target audiences. Unfortunately, rather than having an impact on the viewers, it would cost a lot of money.

Did you know nearly 80% of the users make their purchase decision with the help of Instagram?

As a small business owner, you don’t want to spend a lot of money, but traditional marketing methods are expensive. If we use social media as a marketing tool, we can see how cost-effective it is. It is not only appealing to new clients, but it is also luring them at a lower cost. Isn’t it a lot more budget-friendly? The trick is that you must first learn how to create strategies and techniques before reaping the benefits of social media.

How to Set Your Marketing Goals

Marketers are doing an outstanding job creating a brand on social media, but they don’t realize why they’re doing it. It’s crucial to know why you’re creating a social media profile before you get started.
All you have to do is prepare a plan a set your goals before stepping into the market. Yeah we know setting goals is not always a cup of tea for everyone but Setting the correct goals can help you not only prove your achievement but also figure out which approaches are effective. This makes scaling your social media presence a lot easier. You can set your goals according to the following factors.

Choosing Goals Based on your Social Media Analysis

We can always have a choice to post any information regarding our brand but sometimes some type of content does not work for you. The goal of your marketing should never have a bulky schedule or dump loads of posts on your page, it can be disastrous.

According to algorithms published – the only strategy does not work on optimizing posts or gaining engagement. Being overly promotional is the most common reason for people unflowing you on social media.

You have to make a proper analysis of how your views are behaving on your page and what their views of your brand are. Further, you have to experiment with different content according to your analysis, this will help you set goals for your social media.

You should post content to drive brand awareness, increase reach, to build a good relationship with your brand.

The Top Goals Social Media Marketers are looking to are to:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Increase community engagement
  • Increasing website clicks

Choosing Goals according to Industry

When we consider that each industry has its unique set of objectives, we can see that some aim to generate leads, while others want to have a strong brand presence. We deal with a variety of businesses across a variety of industries at marketing Match. We’ve learned how to develop social media goals that will help the brand succeed and meet its objectives

Social Media Goals and Strategies of Different Industries

Food and beverage goals

This industry serves a large no. of Target customers. Customers have been increasingly searching for restaurants and ordering food online in recent years. It’s easy to see why – after all, what could be better than having a wonderful meal delivered to your home at the touch of a button?
“Did you know 75% of consumers surveyed often choose a restaurant to dine at based on search results?


  • To create effective brand awareness and credibility
  • To have the active customer base
  • To get a good percentage of customer satisfaction
  • Positive reviews for the brand and services
  • To gain a good brand image online
  • To provide the best customer service


  • Engage by aesthetically presenting menu items
  • Beautiful pictures of restaurants and food
  • Provide exclusive offers and deals
  • Have contest online offering attractive rewards
  • Use reel marketing or influencer marketing to engage more customers
  • Provide positive customer reviews
  • Consider audience suggestions

Favorable platforms

Photos and videos are the key elements that lure customers in this industry. Keeping in mind the fact

  1. Instagram
  2. Facebook
  3. Pinterest

To maintain a professional network and hiring LinkedIn is the best option.

Benefits of social media

  • Increased Conversion rates
  • Greater Engagement Possibilities
  • Demographics Retargeting
  • Attracting new clients
  • Being well-liked by everyone

Travel and hospitality

If you own a hotel, you are always looking for innovative ways to attract customers. Making an effective image for your hotel entails more than simply providing exceptional service; it also entails presenting yourself in such a way that guests will want to return to you time and time again.

But In this industry one bad review can badly affect your brand image; therefore it is important to gain a good and loyal customer base. Engaging customers should not be the end of your strategy but providing the best possible services and excellent experience.


  • To create a positive brand image and trust
  • Engage a good customer base
  • Gain positive reviews for our brand
  • Work on customer satisfaction
  • Giving priority to customer suggestions
  • Active pages
  • Decrease vacant spots by getting new leads
  • Gain loyal audience
  • Get more no. of online booking


  • Engage people by showcasing your travel and stay images
  • Create an interactive relationship with your customers
  • Do not only focus on promotion
  • Focus on highlighting pleasant experiences and guest stories
  • Take review and suggestions from already existing customers to improve your services
  • Use reel marketing as your tool

Favorable platform

This industry attracts online customers with amazing views and stunning pictures of comfortable places. This requires a platform that can showcase the beauty of the place visually.

  1. Instagram
  2. Facebook
  3. YouTube
  4. Pinterest

are perfectly suited for this purpose. But To build the network and gain more corporate clients LinkedIn is the best option for the job.


  • Better brand presentation
  • Effective online presence
  • Getting good no of customers
  • Increase in engagement with good review marketing
  • Getting good popularity

Sports and events

The sports industry is capable of mobilizing massive amounts of money in all parts of the world. But it also has another major asset: the ability to manage large numbers of people from many backgrounds.
Players involved in this sector know this well, that it is essential to connect and maintain a positive relationship with an audience. The best way to do so is by interacting with your faces on the social media platform, which helps them understand their ideals and build a strong connection with them.


  • To increase event awareness
  • Increase number of fans
  • Increase ROI for Sponsors
  • Increase awareness regarding the sports conducted
  • To gain media attention
  • To gain increased engagement among people and the sports community


  • Schedule posts related to events or target live streaming
  • Make use of popular hashtags
  • Encourage discussion regarding events
  • Target blog marketing
  • Promote competitions
  • Promote players to increase the fan base
  • Behind the stage stories of players or preparations
  • Use memes and humorous content

Favorable Platforms

Twitter is the most popular platform among sports fans, that isn’t the only one on Facebook live and Instagram is also a great platform for promotion and engagement for the event.


  • To help players communicate with their fans
  • To increase the loyal fan base for sport or players
  • Increase sales opportunities
  • Have positive brand awareness

Lifestyle and fitness

If you work in the lifestyle and fitness industry, you will face your own set of obstacles, but you will undoubtedly have the possibility to make the most of social media platforms. To do so, you’ll need to develop your marketing strategy from the ground up, employ the right tools, and even take cues from established fitness brands that dominate with fantastic, engaging content.


  • To create the effective brand image
  • To gain more sales opportunities
  • Have credibility and a positive reputation
  • Gain a good percentage of satisfied customers
  • Increase engagement of the page


  • Make a proper analysis of your target audience and post according to them
  • Turn your nutrition program into your fitness content
  • Post proper aesthetics of your workout routine
  • Post engaging content regarding your healthy lifestyle (shoutouts, gifts, etc.)
  • Us appropriate page expression and color theme to attract viewers
  • Make most of the hashtags
  • Engage in influencer marketing
  • Use blog marketing as your asset

Favorable Platforms

Choosing the wrong platform can influence your growth and waste your effort and money.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube are the most favorable platform for building brand image and getting engagement.

You can also have a LinkedIn account to have a connection with corporate businesses and clients.


  • Increased marketing opportunities
  • Awareness toward correct fitness plans
  • Create motivation
  • Awareness towards health issues
  • Have positive reviews
  • Build positive brand image
  • Getting an extra source of income

Entertainment Industry

Entertainment is an important aspect of social media strategy, and if you can include some of your entertainment into social media, you will reap the benefits of greater reach, engagement, and revenue.


  • Build influencing the brand image
  • Increase engagement
  • Reaching out to a greater audience
  • Culture exchange
  • Attracting more people
  • Generate more sales (movie or event tickets)


  • Your content should have a variety
  • Engage your audience on these platforms to getter better sales
  • Post interacting live videos and behind the scene images and videos
  • Use reel marketing to promote an artist
  • Promote your caste
  • Utilize YouTube
  • and YouTube ads
  • Run Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns
  • Make proper use of insta iGTv
  • Collaborate with your caste on different platforms (insta reel,igtv, Twitter, etc.)
  • Use analytics to monitor your growth

Favorable Platforms

  1. Blogs
  2. Facebook
  3. YouTube
  4. Instagram
  5. Twitter


  • Better fan Engagement
  • Deeper Market Segmentation
  • Demographics Retargeting

How Social Media Analytics Work

Every social media channel needs to know how they are progressing. Which content is working for their brand?

Social media is more than just a place to earn backlinks and consumer goodwill; it is also one of the most accurate and intuitive sources of information about your target audience. That’s why it’s critical to employ social media analytics to determine what’s making an impact on your company.

Almost 91 % of marketers include social media analytics in their marketing strategy.

The following are some of the most essential metrics offered by social networks that you can track.

1. Impressions

Impressions are the total number of times your content has been seen on social media browsers.
Example: If your ad was displayed 1000 times on social media, your impressions would be 1000.

Why they are important?

One of the primary goals of a social media user is to increase brand image and awareness, and getting impressions is one way to accomplish it. Higher impressions will result in increased engagement and community size, as well as all of the other metrics we use to demonstrate that social media is indeed significant.

2. Reach

The number of people that choose to see your content and interact with it through likes, comments, or shares is referred to as reach.

In short reach count interaction or engagement

Why it is important?

There are millions of social media users, and it is not certain that your message will reach the majority of them before being pushed down in the explorer page or scroll feed. Therefore, put in this way we understand if the reach on your page is low people out there will not be able to see you.

3. Engagements

Engagements refer to the number of times your viewers are interacting with your content.

Includes likes, share, comments, save or favorite, relies upon, follow, retweets, clicks, Dms on stories, etc.

Why it is important?

Better social media strategy interaction indicates that your clients have a more positive relationship with your brand. As a result, you will have more opportunities to increase brand loyalty, word-of-mouth referrals, and sales.

4. Visits

It refers to the number of times users are visiting your profile.

For example:  if you take a look on your favorite influencers page like 10 times in a day, then looking at their profile refers to the visits, and the number of times your look on their profile refers to visit count.

Why is it important?

In other words, if you visit a profile and enjoy their feed, you will return or follow them, and eventually, you will become a valuable lead, increasing their conversion by one.

Mention or tags

Whenever someone name-drops a person or brand social media strategy handles online, that refers to mentions or tags.

It can be both positive and negative. Every one of them is an opportunity to interact with your target audience and affect the public impression of your business.


It refers to a person who chooses to see all of another user’s postings in their newsfeed. It can be seen like this if you like somebody’s work you will want to see their work in the future too so for the same purpose you choose to follow them.

Increasing the number of followers is one of the primary aims of online businesses that are active on social media.

Why it is important?

Having lots of followers means that people are interested in your content, also this creates a chance for you to interact with more people and gets more conversions.

Social Media Analytic Tools

Sometimes creating a social media strategy channel or running a marketing campaign can be a bit overwhelming. That time you need a little help and social media tools are the way to do that.

Social Media Scheduling Tools:

These are the platform that helps you manage and schedule your content and posts. This not only saves your time but also your efforts to post similar content on 2-3 platforms.


  • Business suite
  • Buffer
  • Hootsuite
  • SproutSocial
  • SocialBee
  • SEMrush, etc.

Social Listening Tools:

These platforms are used to manage your online reputation, develop your brand image, communicate with customers and influencers in real-time, and gather data to help you make better business decisions.


  • HubSpot
  • SproutSocial
  • Buffer
  • Hootsuite
  • Keyhole, etc.

Social Media Analysis Tools:

To execute an effective social media campaign, you’ll need to use social media analytics tools. It enables social media specialists to track and evaluate the success of numerous aspects of a social marketing campaign, such as sales, customer service, and sentiment analysis.


  • Hubspot
  • BuzzSumo
  • Keyhole
  • Google Analytics
  • Snaplytics, etc.

Competitor Benchmarking Tools:

These systems help businesses remain ahead of the competition in customer experience management by providing extensive social media monitoring to create social media strategy for digital marketing initiatives. Always be your customer’s go-to brand.


  • SproutSocial
  • Phlanx
  • Social blade
  • SEmrush, etc.

Creative Design Tools:

These tools help you design your creatives with the help of already made templates.


  • Canva
  • PicsArt
  • Fotor, etc.


As we’ve seen in this blog, understanding the value of social media in the everyday lives of people who are likely to become your consumers is critical to evaluating the importance of using it in marketing.

Because of the general presence and impact that social media networks have on consumers, social media marketing strategy has become a requirement for businesses.

Although having a social media presence has become a need, there are a variety of methods to use it to improve your business, and here are a few of the most important ones.