Effective Online presence is an ADD-On to a decades-old consumer company.

Here are a few results of our
effective marketing management


accounts reached
in last
2 months


increase in
profile interactions
from last 2 months


increase in
from last 2 months

Company Overview

Engine brand mustard oil was established in 1959 and have been selling Shuddh Kacchi Ghani Mustard oil since then. The company has a wide range of customer base across India and every 3 out of 5 houses use Engine’s mustard oil for their everyday needs.

Delivering safe, nutritious, and quality mustard oil for a long time

Problem Statement

To compete in the growing market

To connect with the consumers directly

To create a greater brand awareness


We created an effective Market strategy, to help this established brand build greater awareness among the users and were successful in reaching out to our potential audience, simultaneously enhancing their brand image.

What we did?


Being one of the most used Social media platforms, Instagram Is a potential digital platform to build an effective relationship with the audience. Keeping in mind the ongoing trends, we have tried to communicate how sustainable and nutritious the product is and how it fulfils everyday household needs perfectly.


Starting from the scratch with so many established competitors in the digital world was a challenging task. We analysed the market situation and helped the brand showcase a positive message on this widely used and accepted mode of media.

Hashtag campaigns

We started monitoring our audience and it helped us in building a niche. Understanding how the audience engages with us we created different hashtag campaigns and were so delighted to see so many people participating with full zeal and enthusiasm.

Influencer marketing

We at Marketing match also target potential customers by analysing, what things/ people influence them or inspire them. We have worked with very talented influencers which helped us in creating awareness and increasing their trust in us.

While there was a 500-600% increase in reach and interaction, the brand name ‘Engine Brand Mustard Oil’ itself saw a significant increase in its online presence.


Social Media

Simultaneously across the social platforms, we were consistently working towards increasing the brand presence by positioning Engine Oil as a Family centric brand that is obsessed with health.


To add that extra flavor, moment marketing posts sent tickles among our audience and we received a welcome response from popular food bloggers and health enthusiasts.



increase in impressions on Facebook


increase in reach on Facebook


increase in reach on Instagram


increase in interactions on Instagram


increase in engagement on Instagram

And now, our next objective is to make Your brand the upcoming star of the media world.

Interested in our Services?
Ready to Get More out of your Marketing budget? Schedule a free consultation today!


 2nd Floor, F-21, Tonk Rd, Madhuvan Colony, Barkat Nagar, Tonk Phatak, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302015

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